Food Service
Food Service
No matter where food service is going, we’ll stick to it.We know consumers expect accurate and personalized food orders no matter what or where they’re eating. Hot or cold. Online or drive through. Third party delivery for one person or catering for the whole company. It has to be right, or your company will be left behind.
Our labels stick and re-stick to every type of surface and shape imaginable. Paper, plastic, or cardboard. From sandwich wraps to pizza boxes to coffee drinks to drive through bags to catering trays. StickyPOS labels are designed to help people get fed fast – and get fed happy. With hold-the-onions accuracy and dressing-on-the-side assurance, all with record printing and re-sticking times.

Critically correct labeling for every patient and every chart.We understand the time pressures on medical personnel, coupled with the need for acute accuracy.
Whether it’s cafeteria trays for critical hospital nutrition, vitally important medical record labels, or medical container or equipment labels. The unique sticky and removable design of StickyPOS makes it easy to label and re-label items without leaving behind a residue to clean.
Wherever time, accuracy and cleanliness are of the essence, StickyPOS is there.

Protecting inventory and packaging for pick-ups and returns.We know you can’t afford to lose track of precious inventory -- or damage expensive, eye-catching packaging. That’s why StickyPOS is a much better solution than permanent adhesive. Because they leave no damaging residue when removed or changed, they’re ideal for in-store pickup, returned items, and price verifications. They print quickly and super legibly -- great for accurate inventory tracking.

Perfect for covers, inside and out.Keeping books looking their best through multiple readings means a label that can be used and cleanly removed, whether inside the front cover or out. Perfect for checkout returns, on-holds, and reserves.

Computer & Electronics Repair
Computer & Electronics Repair
Great for expensive and sensitive equipment.StickyPOS labels can be safely applied to computers and electronic components during the repair or maintenance process -- and then be removed without a trace. Ideal when damage is a top concern.

Window & Glass Labeling
Window & Glass Labeling
Clearly a better label choice.StickyPOS labels quickly apply to windows and glass product surfaces. But they can also be whisked away without any risk of leaving glue residue on the surface.

Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Temporary tracking? We’re your permanent partner.StickyPOS labels are perfectly suited to help tag inventory to identify the products in the warehouse -- or to track progress of a physical inventory in process.